Playbook: TruSTAR Enrich Indicators


Use TruSTAR to gather threat information about indicators in a SOAR event. Tag the indicators with the normalized priority score from TruSTAR and summarize the findings in an analyst note. This playbook is meant to be used as a child playbook executed by a parent playbook such as "threat_intel_investigate".


Associated Detections

How To Implement

To use this playbook as a sub-playbook of "threat_intel_investigate", copy it to the local git repository and make sure it has the tags "investigate" and "threat_intel". To use this playbook as a sub-playbook of "risk_notable_enrich", copy it to local and make sure it has the tags "investigate" and "risk_notable" To control the types of indicators processed by this playbook, change the data types of the "indicators" input"

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